A to Z Program
(Ambassador to ZACHOR)
Education and remembrance go hand-in-hand so we can ensure we never forget. Holocaust Survivors, Generations thereof and ZACHOR Holocaust Remembrance Foundation share the same goal: to Remember.
With Remembrance, we must engage, create meaningful dialog and take action.
ZACHOR’s founder, Ben Lesser, has dedicated his life in preserving the memory of the Holocaust. From coast-to-coast, he has traveled with one goal: to tell his story. He has stood in front of youngsters, college students, professionals, spanning schools, synagogues, churches and more. When he speaks, he educates anyone who will listen about the atrocities of the past and creating tolerance for the future. But time is running out. Survivors, including Ben, are nearing the final act.
Now is the time we look to you. The Survivors need your help. Help us fulfill our mission and join our A to Z (Ambassador to ZACHOR) program. The lessons we learned from the Holocaust are endless. But it is we do today that ensures that we never forget. With every event, we distribute ZACHOR pins to every attendee. Because one day, those attendees will pass on their pins to their children, and children’s children. As the Passover Haggadah mandates, “vehigadeta lebincha” … “and thou shall tell thy son.”
We cannot do this alone. We need your help.
How to get involved with ZACHOR Remembrance Foundation:
1. Become an Ambassador to ZACHOR. If you have a story to tell and believe in our mission – please contact us today and become an A to Z member. We provide event distribution materials and ZACHOR pins that echo Remembrance.
2. Schedule a speaking engagement today. Reach out to organizations and schools in your area and tell them about ZACHOR and Ben. To learn more about Ben’s speaking engagement and format length please contact us at: [email protected]
3. Stand up. Speak up and SHOUT-OUT. An extension of The ZACHOR Holocaust Remembrance Foundation is our I-SHOUT-OUT program encouraging everyone to SHOUT-OUT for what they believe in whether against bullying, intolerance or To Never Forget. Encourage your friends and loved ones to spread this powerful message to speak for the six million that were silenced.
4. Donate to keep our foundation alive. We rely on our supporters and donations to provide educational programs, events and Holocaust awareness through various outreach platforms.
5. And lastly, spread the word. Word of mouth is the greatest form of networking. If enough people start talking, we will make a difference. It’s the biggest hope we have to keep this from happening again.
In the words of one of our most distinguished sages, Rabbi Hillel:
“If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And, if I am not for others, what am I? And, if not now, when?”