Sophie Levy Poetry
My name is Sophie Levy, I am 16 years old and a junior in high school in Los Angeles, California. I first became interested in learning more and writing about the Holocaust when I first learned the details of it in 8th grade. At the time, I did not fully understand the monumental importance of speaking to survivors and forming relationships with them, as we are the last generation who will get to hear their stories firsthand. Since then, I have attended a summer program called the Righteous Conversations Project that connects survivors and teens, and am currently interning at the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust where I am also the co-head of the Teen Board. Because I have three younger sisters, I want to take my knowledge about the Holocaust and pass it on to them, as well as my friends and family both older and younger than me. Writing has been my passion for as long as I can remember, and writing poetry about the Holocaust is a way for me to express my feelings about the subject and attempt to see from the point of view of those who experienced it as best I can.