Engage in life-like conversations with Ben through the StoryFile’s artificial intelligence technology allowing the power of his words and lessons to have a lasting impact on future generations.
ZACHOR Holocaust Curriculum is the first-ever curriculum that was fully developed and facilitated by a living Holocaust survivor, Ben Lesser. The free curriculum and interactive teaching tool includes six turnkey lesson plans along with videos, historical photography, personal anecdotes, a historical interactive timeline and various student activities and dialogue prompts that will provide a lasting impact on participants and ensure ease of use for teachers. To learn more about our educational online curriculum, click here!
ZACHOR’s founder, Ben Lesser, has dedicated his life in preserving the memory of the Holocaust. From coast-to-coast, he has traveled with one goal: to tell his story. He has stood in front of youngsters, college students, professionals, spanning schools, synagogues, churches and more. When he speaks, he educates anyone who will listen about the atrocities of the past and creating tolerance for the future. But time is running out. Survivors, including Ben, are nearing the final act. Learn more about how you can help here!
It all started with a passion. A promise to spread love, not hate.
We encourage all generational Holocaust survivors, descendants of, or anyone of all ages by wearing the powerful statement “ZACHOR”, whether lapel pin, 14K gold pendant or bracelets. By proudly wearing the word ZACHOR you ensure the world always remembers. Order yours today!
To ensure the world will NEVER FORGET, we invite you to participate in an online movement where millions of silenced voices can now be heard through you. I-SHOUT-OUT, is for anyone who wants to speak out against intolerance, injustice, racism, or bullying.
By uniting together we can stop the world from acquiring amnesia. Take a stand and SHOUT-OUT for what you believe in and help us reach our goal of six million SHOUT-OUT’s to speak for the six million souls who were silenced and become part of something powerful.
An unforgettable story of courage, determination and achievement! Available in audiobook, e-book, paperback and hard cover.
Read Reviews Download Teacher's Guide Buy NowNearly 2,000,000 Pins Have Been Distributed.
Founder and Survivor, Ben Lesser, has made it his life-long mission to provide every Holocaust speaker, Survivor and educator with a small memento to give out to their audiences as a tangible reminder of what they have heard and learned – a golden pin with the Hebrew letters of the word “ZACHOR.” Read more about ZACHOR Pins here.
The Holocaust is the greatest tragedy in history. Below is a list of chronological events leading up to, during and post WWII affecting all across the globe. Content courtesy of the Jewish Memorial, Yad Vashem: www.yadvashem.org, www.history.com, and www.wikipedia.com. Download your personal copy of our Holocaust Timetable here!
Make a tax deductible donation.
Our Chai Society members are the family that keeps us going. Join our family and help us continue doing the work we do. Members of the Chai Society give us life by making a monthly donation of $18.00 or more every month.