Our Mission

The overall mission of the ZACHOR Holocaust Remembrance Foundation is to ensure the remembrance of the Holocaust.

ZACHOR aims to grow beyond simply advocating Holocaust remembrance but to continue to educate, build awareness, and teach tolerance.

There are many parts to how the foundation meets and achieves its goals. Here are just a few:

  • Preservation of Holocaust Survivors’ Stories.
  • Making the past relevant to today with Ben Lesser serving as the voice for those who did not survive the Holocaust. Ben speaks to hundreds of schools, universities, and organizations annually.
  • Providing a “Generation Now” forum uniting survivors and generational survivors in preserving the legacies and lessons learned from the Holocaust in order to never repeat.
  • Prevention starts with education. Provide FREE access to the comprehensive interactive teaching site, ZACHOR Holocaust Curriculum, to school districts, teachers, students, and history enthusiasts.
  • Raising awareness is one of the most essential aspects of our anti-bullying campaign. Our mission is to inspire future generations to take part in the innovative and interactive I-SHOUT-OUT campaign.
  • Manufacture and distribute the mighty ZACHOR lapel pin to ensure the world always remembers. We have distributed nearly 2 million pins globally.
  • We host students annually to take part in and experience the March of the Living in Poland.
  • We host educators at a hands-on educational Holocaust studies program in Europe.

To help us fulfill our mission, please donate today.
