ZACHOR Pin Recipients

Nearly 2,000,000 ZACHOR Pins Have Been Distributed.

You can help us do more. Our founder has made it his life-long mission to provide every Holocaust speaker, Survivor and educator with a small memento to give out to their audiences as a tangible reminder of what they have heard and learned – a golden pin with the Hebrew letters of the word “ZACHOR.”

The pins are the life-blood of the organization. As small as it is, the message is mighty. Each organization and / or institution listed below have become an ambassador to ZACHOR whether via pin distribution or speaking events. We thank you all for sharing the importance to Remember.

With your help we can continue to manufacture and distribute pins to our ever-growing audience to ensure that the Holocaust is never forgotten and never repeated.

It is our goal for the ZACHOR pin to be internationally recognized as a symbol of Holocaust Remembrance.

Get your pin today!


If you would like to learn more about getting your organization to become a pin recipient, click here.

If you would like to purchase a pin for you, a gift or in quantities for an event or cause, please click here.