The Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, represents the voice of the organized Jewish community. Bound together by shared history, traditions, and common values, it seeks to assure Jewish continuity in Las Vegas, in Israel, and around the world, by preserving, strengthening, and enhancing Jewish life, and transmitting these values to succeeding generations....
Read Morewww.iremember.hu
Memories. For most of us, the word conjures up an image from our childhood, our youth. The word has a pleasant and homey feel to it, and reveries of our past touch our hearts. But as we wander through our deepest memories, will it occur to us that there might be some people who would rather forget?
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Holocaust Community founded in 1995 to Remember, ZACHOR, Sich Erinnern. Remember.org offers contributors (survivors, liberators, historians, and teachers )a place to connect and sharethe best research resources and stories through art, photography, painting, audio/video, and remembrance...
Read Morewww.dnashoah.org
The DNA Shoah Project is building a database of genetic material from Holocaust survivors and their immediate descendants in hopes of reuniting families disrupted by the Shoah ("Holocaust" in Hebrew). The Project aims to match displaced relatives, provide Shoah orphans and lost children with information about their biological families and, eventually, assist in the forensic identification of Holocaust-era remains...
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A worldwide network of children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors, linked together with the common goals of preserving and honoring our legacy, sharing resources and programming ideas, providing emotional support to our members, and tackling issues of mutual interest. Please explore this web site for resources and information about conferences, support networks, education, lectures, books, films and exhibits, pertaining to the subject of the Holocaust...
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The YIZKOR project (tYp) was established with a dual mission: 1) to remember the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust as individuals; and, 2) to honor their memory by helping to support the needs of aging Holocaust survivors and the Righteous Gentiles. The YIZKOR project is dedicated to addressing this critical, time sensitive mission through Yizkor-linked charitable acts and contributions, as well as associated education/remembrance activities for schools, families and communities to honor the memory of those who perished....
Read Morewww.cohnsherylneedle.com
THE BOY IN THE SUITCASE IN THE SUITCASE Holocaust Family Stories of Survival©
Nine children's true stories woven in a tale of suspense and drama by a masterful author
USC Shoah Foundation Institute
To overcome prejudice, intolerance, and bigotry —and the suffering they cause— through the educational use of the Institute’s visual history testimonies
Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust (LAMH) has a two-fold mission that has remained constant since its inception in 1961: commemoration and education.....
Read Morehttp://bit.ly/unponteperannefrank
We are based in Italy and we are inspired by the ideals of Anne Frank. Our mission is to keep talking about the Holocaust, its victims and survivors, to promote peace and acceptance, to fight against any form of discrimination, violence, racism and intolerance, and to remember that is very important to never give up hope.
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