The Importance Of Teaching The History of Violent Intolerance In WWII

There are many lessons from the Holocaust, and ensuring humanity grasps the magnitude of the events during the persecution of the Jews and others in World War II is of vital importance. That’s why teaching tolerance in schools and implementing changes in perspectives in areas of prejudice is critical.

World War II Atrocities

At the heart of the WWII conflict was a substantial amount of arrogance, inhumane behavior and intolerance. While Hitler’s Nazi Germany was the most predominant part of the “Axis of Evil” during the conflict, he was by no means the only one. Systematic mass genocide was also carried out by Stalin, Mussolini, and their generals. Their abhorrent atrocities and inhumane behavior towards millions of innocent people shocked the conscience of the world.

Ending Genocide and Mass Atrocities

The only way to stop the events of genocidal mass murder, torture, starvation, and atrocities of World War II from being repeated is through proactively educating society, especially children, about the root causes of these horrific acts. That is why teaching the history of these events and teaching tolerance of people from other races and religions is essential. In addition to offering classes on this decisive time period in middle school and high school, having classes available free to the public at libraries and universities is also recommended.

If you are looking for the best material available to teach students of all ages about the Holocaust, the ZACHOR Holocaust Remembrance Foundation, founded in 2009, is dedicated to ensuring the remembrance of the Holocaust and teaching tolerance on a wide variety of educational platforms. You can learn more about their curriculum and teaching programs at